Here are thirteen words you must have heard your Nigerian mum say to you when she was angry.1. Sorry for yourself2. Because you’ve grown tall now, you cannot hear word abi?3. I did not kill my mother so you will not kill me 4. Shey you’ll have your own child soon?5. It’s not me you’re doing, you’re doing yourself6. Later they’ll say I’m talking too much7. If I slap you ehn, you will hear nwii8. This your generation has spoilt9. I’m not a foolish woman. How can you be foolish like this?10. Try me and see11. You’ve grown wings abi?12. E’de saanu mi, Eyin omo yi13. Ebere gi emegbuole mWhat else does your mother says when she’s angry?
It’s almost like every Nigerian mum has passed through the same process or they have some kind of secret meeting place where they pass down these rules to them. Because they say the same things, in different languages and different methods but we hear the same thing.
Here are thirteen words you must have heard your Nigerian mum say to you when she was angry.
1. Sorry for yourself
2. Because you’ve grown tall now, you cannot hear word abi?
3. I did not kill my mother so you will not kill me
4. Shey you’ll have your own child soon?
5. It’s not me you’re doing, you’re doing yourself
6. Later they’ll say I’m talking too much
7. If I slap you ehn, you will hear nwii
8. This your generation has spoilt
9. I’m not a foolish woman. How can you be foolish like this?
10. Try me and see
11. You’ve grown wings abi?
12. E’de saanu mi, Eyin omo yi
13. Ebere gi emegbuole m
Compiled by OmgVoice.
What else does your mother says when she’s angry?