Senator Ben Bruce has blamed the “hurried implementation” of the Treasury Single Account, TSA, by the Muhammadu Buhari adminstration as part of the reason the country is in recession.
According to him, Nigeria needs to “spend her way out of recession.”
“Now that we have found ourselves in a recession, we must do the commonsensical thing to do and spend our way out of the recession,” he said on Thursday.
“We must make it easier, not more difficult for business to obtain credit. Our current interest rate is ridiculous for a nation in recession!”
“Nobody locks up money in a vault in a recession! In fact, the hurried implementation of TSA may be part of the reason we are in a recession,” he added.
Nobody locks up money in a vault in a recession! In fact, the hurried implementation of TSA may be part of the reason we are in a recession.
— Ben Murray-Bruce (@benmurraybruce) September 8, 2016