Not much is known about APC’s Vice-Presidential candidate’s wife, Dolapo Osinbajo but she recently spoke with The Nation Newspaper and spilled quite a lot about her personal life, circumstances surrounding her husband running alongside Buhari and her personal effort to help women who have been battered or abused. Read excerpts below:
Her initial reaction when she heard that her husband was going to be nominated as All Progressives Congress (APC) vice presidential candidate, she said
“My initial reaction was that of apprehension. Because I knew I would have to share him with others, I mean political associates, official functions and all the likes. And I would rather have him to myself alone. So, that was my initial reaction.
Overcoming the apprehension
“I guess I realized that the handwriting was always on the wall; that this was what he is being prepared for. If you look at what he has done over the years, you will realize that the Lord was preparing him for a time like that. I realized and remembered that. That put my fears aside and I told myself I had to allow the Lord do what He wants to do with him.
I shouldn’t be selfish but release him to accomplish for Nigeria what God has been putting in his heart. His works, like I said, over the years and his experiences in public life have all pointed to the fact that he is a man for a season like this.
Reaction to the ongoing APC campaigns for the February elections
“Comfortable is not a word you can use at this point, considering what the nation is right now. But in terms of the campaign, yes, things are being done in a noble way. Things are different from what they used to be in the past. I believe that things will take a turn for the best for this nation.
Her opinion of her husband and being able to carry out the Vice Presidential role
“I don’t think I am in the best position to answer that (laughter). But I think he is the best man in the whole world. One thing I can say is that we have been married for the past 25 years and every day, I get to respect him the more. He is very kind and lovely. I have never met a man more caring than he is. He is the most caring person I have met.
Well, I will just say he is a lovely and kind man. He loves to a fault. He cares a lot. His life is all about caring and giving. When he was Attorney-General of Lagos, he proved that over and over again. Our church currently runs two free schools through his initiatives because we are interested in people.
One has run for a year and the other one just started. In the school, there is no tuition, registration or any fee. They are entirely free. They don’t pay for books, stationeries, uniforms or feeding. One of the schools is in Obanikoro, while the other is in Okota in Lagos.
We also run a soup kitchen in the church that we run now and the one we ran before. The soup kitchen provides food for the students every day. No child gets to the schools except he or she is poor. So, these are some of the many things he does for people to show his love.
I believe if he is elected, he will have more opportunities and platform to do much more for the people.
On how she is preparing for life as a public figure despite her private life “Honestly, I can’t tell. There is nothing I am doing or intend to do. I just trust God for grace. I am in His hands and I believe He won’t take me there and leave me stranded. I am just in His hands for whatever He wants to do with me.
She believe he will win this election “I believe so with all of my heart. Yes, not minding that he is contesting against the incumbents. I believe change is coming and Nigerians will witness it through the APC.
What her typical average day is like: “I don’t have an average day because what I want to do determines how the day runs. I have now two shelters for battered women and victims of se-xual abuses. One is on the Island and the other on the Mainland.
It is a non-governmental organization called Women’s Helping Hands and we get to hear heart-breaking stories. One is that of a woman whose husband held down and battered with hot iron. She was so scary when we saw her.”