Oboghene Ezaga, better known by his stage name Ob, is a 17-year-old infused-soul artiste. He started his journey in music at the age of 6, joining various choirs and music groups, not to mention being born
into a family of talented singers.
Ob made his music industry debut with his first single !go, released in 2020. As an artiste that is inspired by the older generation of musicians, he is not restricted to genre but plays mostly along the lines of R&B and infused soul.
He is an independent artiste whose message is love; he believes that is what the world needs more than anything else.
Self-love and selfless love. He is currently studying psychology at the University of North Texas and has found a way to blend his knowledge of the human mind with his art to produce beautiful music that not
only soothes the mind but also speaks to it.
He has just released his debut EP, !love, a textbook on how to be the healthiest, most content version of yourself that you can be.
Listen to !love by Ob on all digital stores here.