Pavel Durov, founder of the instant messaging platform Telegram, expressed his gratitude towards the Notcoin project for a substantial donation.
The game-based initiative gifted Durov and his team over 1 billion Notcoin (NOT) tokens, valued at approximately $6.8 million.
This donation came from 552,586 members of the Notcoin community, with 203,303 of these members having earned their tokens through gameplay.
This large-scale contribution underscores the strong support and engagement from the Notcoin community.
“Half a million Notcoin users gifted me $6.8 million worth of Notcoin! Thank you. I will hold these coins until they turn to $680 million, at which point I will use them to buy more servers for Telegram,” Durov stated via his Telegram channel on May 17, 2024..
Prior to this donation, Durov had publicly endorsed Notcoin, highlighting its rapid evolution from an in-game currency to a valuable asset for its users. He praised the success story of Notcoin, emphasizing the potent combination of the Telegram and TON ecosystems in providing unparalleled opportunities for app developers.
“This amazing success story shows how powerful the Telegram or TON ecosystems are for app developers. Telegram offers app developers more freedom than any other platform, providing unmatched opportunities to leverage social interactions for viral distribution. TON, in turn, provides scale and flexibility for any blockchain project on top of it,” Durov wrote.
In a separate announcement, Notcoin acknowledged the critical role played by Durov and the Telegram team in creating a platform that sets a high standard for developers. This recognition highlights the integral relationship between Telegram and the burgeoning blockchain ecosystem.
Notcoin recently distributed over 80 billion NOT tokens to game participants and successfully conducted its token generation event (TGE). The token has also been listed on several major crypto exchanges.
Based on the TON Blockchain, Notcoin initially gained popularity through its viral tap-to-earn game on Telegram, which has attracted 35 million participants to date.