All hail Jazz Jennings. At just 14 years old, the transgender teen has become a role model to many, and will soon be stepping further into the spotlight with a new role as the face of beauty brand Clean & Clear’s #SeeTheRealMe campaign.
Jazz first transitioned when she was five, and since early childhood, she’s been a high-profile advocate for young trans people. The campaign will emphasize her advocacy; it’s all about girls using social media to tell their stories. “The ‘See the Real Me’ campaign is so great at helping girls find the courage to open up to their peers and be themselves, and I could really relate to that,” said Jazz in an interview with PopSugar. “I knew doing this campaign would help a lot of teens who are struggling like I did.”
She went on to explain why she’s the perfect fit for the campaign: “I’m a no-makeup kind of girl,” she explained. “I wait for someone to really get to know me, and then they can judge me for who I am. I guess you can say my signature look is beauty comes from within because that’s what I believe in.”
Jazz isn’t just focused on the outside. She shared a few thoughts on what’s inside, displaying a sensitivity and eloquence far beyond her years. “Inner beauty is when you can look in a mirror and push away all the outer thoughts of your appearance,” she said. “Like how your nose looks or how your eyes look, and see yourself for who you are on the inside — and say ‘I am a confident person, I am a strong person, I’m proud of the way I am, I am a kind person.’ That defines who you are on the inside, and that’s true beauty.”