Nigerian guys can be really dramatic at times; while they like to think they’re ‘hip’ and in tune with the happenings of nowadays as far as relationships are concerned, they can some times go all ‘traditional’ on you in an instant.
But in fairness to them, whether Nigerian or not, most guys just don’t find it funny when their women say certain things to them.
So ladies, here are 10 things you should never say to your Nigerian boyfriend:
“You’ll pay for this, right?” This is like something the mean step-mom from Cinderella would say. No. If he wants to pay for you, he’ll offer.
“Oh, I didn’t know we were exclusive.” This is very a bad thing to say a month into the relationship. This is an even worse thing to say a year into the relationship. Always make sure you’re on the same page, even if that page is a chapter titled “Friends with Benefits.”
“Why don’t you want to have sex? Are you not attracted to me?” This is the worst question. Passing on sex once because he’s so exhausted doesn’t mean the spark is gone or you’re not hot. Contrary to popular belief, he’s not always in the mood either.
“Tell me about your ex.” WHY? Even if he had good things to say about her, he’s not about to tell them to you. Unless his ex is an active serial killer, there’s no reason to know about them.
“How many people have you slept with?” Never ask this of anyone unless you are a doctor. You will never, ever like the answer.
“We need to talk…” You can talk whenever you want. Just start talking. Prefacing like this and then letting him wait for the bad news for 8 hours is just torture. Unless you’re one of those terrible people who say “we need to talk” and you just want to talk about how you need to rearrange the cereal boxes at your home. There’s a special level of hell for you.
“Do you really need another phone?” Yes. They aren’t the same. Not all video games are the same. He needs to watch football live. These are basic components of life, like air or water.
“I need some time alone.” There’s a huge difference between needing a weekend of alone time and needing “time alone.” Alone time just means you want to hang out in bed all day watching TV without looking at another human being. “Time alone” means “let’s take a break.” If that’s what you mean, don’t be polite, just end it humanely.
“You’re getting too big.” Yeah, guys hate it when you tell them they’re flabby, but they also hate it when you tell them they’re going to the gym too much.
“If you really loved me you would…” No matter how you finish that sentence, that statement is ridiculous.
Which of these are you guilty of saying? Share your response with us in the comments section.