To keep costume jewelry in good shape, attention and special care is required, so if you are a fan of costume jewelry you should check 3 easy ways to take good care of them.
An average look isn’t complete these days without a form of costume jewelry.
They are usually inexpensive but look good and sometimes one gets lucky to score really great ones that look pretty expensive.
When it comes to choosing them, one should consider one’s lifestyle, one’s most favoured look, that way one chooses a style that suits one’s everyday looks. They are simply must haves.
Taking good care of these pieces require attention and special care, so if you are a fan of costume jewelry or you own a few here are steps to caring for them according :
-Pour some white vinegar into a bowl and soak in your jewelry for about 20 minutes.
– Pull out the jewelry then brush it off with a toothbrush.
-Rinse and dry well with a soft clean cloth.
Note that some types of jewelry shouldn’t be soaked in vinegar, especially jewelry with soft gems like pearls, fake pearls, rhinestones with foil backings, glued in rhinestones.
-Soak vinegar onto a cotton ball and leave the soaked cotton ball touching the areas with accumulated dirts (usually in form of green gunk) only. This will protect the stones and other delicate parts in the jewelry.
Take a dry toothbrush and brush it across the gunk, removing as much as you can.
The easiest way to remove dirts is with good old toothpick. Sometimes a toothpick is all it takes to get out the dirts/green gunks on small spots on jewelry.