Kim is defending Kylie,after the teenager finally confessed she plumped up her lips with fillers..Speaking toAccess Hollywood,Kim says Kylie always wanted lips like theirs!
What you’ll see on the show is, Kylie, for a really long time, she was over-lining her lips. That was the truth for a while, then she decided to plump them.’ She didn’t lie, it took her a while to actually make that decision to do it and once she decided to plump them, she was still over-lining, then sometimes it would look too big, then she figured out to stop over-lining. She plumped them and she was happy with it.’
‘At 10 and 11 years old she’d say “Kimmy, how come my lips aren’t as big as your guys’?”‘If it’s going to make her feel better then I’m all for it.’ before adding ‘Now people can stop talking about it.’