Hello there,
Forumspotz for the past 2 years has been updating you on almost everything in this world of information. We’ve created different channels of news broadcasts to alert you of every new article published on this platform; Channels ranging from Facebook, Twitter, BBM Broadcasts, BBM Channel & Chrome Browser Notifications has been of assuage in accessing quality information (Thanks to those who messaged us when we had issues with BBM Broadcasts,we appreciate you all) .
Furthermore , we’ve decided to move on with the Popular WhatsApp Messenger. This would excite so many people as we’ve been getting requests prior to this development . The good news is we are bringing it live now!. You can now get news updates via WhatsApp Messenger.
We’re sure not everyone would love to have this, (most especially those who have subscribed to our BBM Broadcasts). If you’re interested in this kindly Send a WhatsApp Message with this content ” News ” to +2348139009126 (This number won’t be available for calls). Thanks for stopping by.