Too many times we forget that each of us has been given our own unique race to run. Instead we get caught up in the competition around us. Our neighbour has a better-paying job. Our coworker has a brand-new car. Our friend leads three Bible study classes a new week, her house is immaculate, and her children are perfectly behaved.
In essence, we take our eyes off the finish line and focus on the runners in the lanes around us. We compare. We whine and grumble. We slow down or stop running altogether because we wonder why our race can’t be as “good” as the next person’s.
The analogy of our Christianity as a race should be a reminder to us daily. What do professional athletes success? They train. Day in and day out. They focus on their own lane. They focus on the finish line. They don’t stop and wave at the spectators. They don’t stop to compare shoes with another runner.
The run. Focused totally on the race set before them.
As believers, its important for us to train ourselves in scripture daily. We need to stay focused on the finsh line – Jesus Christ
Scripture To Remember
Live It
• Don’t compare yourself to others.
• Keep your eyes on the finish line.
• Stay focused, one step at a time.
• Let Jesus carry your burdens.
• Do your best.
By Kimberley Woodhouse
Copyright 2012 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.