It was on 29 december that marked One years since the unjustified imprisonment of three Aljazeera staff in Egypt for reporting demonstrations after the toppling of Muslim Brotherhood President Muhammad Mursi by Pharaoh dictator pseudo-democratic military in disguise Abdulfatah Elsisi last year. The. Three Aljazeera journalist were held in prison for For three months before they appear before a court of law. That was also after releasing Abdullah Alshamey who was held for nine months in prisoned. it is believed that still about 220 journalist are still been held in Egypt for no reason by the Elsisi government.
Already, 2014 has been classified as the most deadliest year for journalist in over 20 years. Hundreds where killed by ISIL in Syria, Iraq, also in Nigeria, Somalia, Palestine, India and Russia. More also, thousands were wounded in various places reporting stories and the truth to the World. The likes of Julian Assange of the Wiki Leaks, Edward Snowdon that reported the CIA tapping of phones Nafees Ahmad that was fired by Gurdian because of reports about Israel aggression, Ahmad Salkida, Stephen Devis, etc, have all tried their best in ensuring a free and. Transparent world. Also, many others like Muhammad Sanusi II, Obasanjo have tried by taking the path of journalist in making the truth known to the world.
Also here in Nigeria, journalist and journalism have suffered a lot this year 2014. An editor was killed in a bombing in Abuja, Dailytrust office was attacked in Maiduguri, Sahara reporters was blacklist by the Nigerian Army, New Nigeria went on strike, NUJ went on strike twice, RATTWU went on strike twice, Oliver Fajero was detained, etc. There is no doubt that 2014 will go down in history as a journalist deadliest in Nigeria.