Congratulations to Hon: Abdulmuminu Isah Ari and Hon: Usman Labaran Principal. Today been the first day in your various offices, to people around you is a day of joy and hapiness but to me is the begining day of your services to people. Remember sirs, we voted you in order to serve us not to rule us. Sirs, before you come to offices today, many were in the offices yesterday. If I were you, I will seat and think of what drove them in order to clinch the seats again. Remember your are not the only persons that contestes in APC primaries, and in general election but you emerged the winners. The questions you need to ask yourself are:

1. Why did stakeholders choose me to be the flag bearer of APC in the general election?
2. Why did people elect me in the general election?
3. Am I the only person that is capable of holding the position? If NO, Why did good people of Toto choose me? Sir we choose you people because we believe you are capable of facing and solving the challenges, now another questions you need to ask yourself are
1. What are these challenges my people are talking about?
2. How can i overcome the challeges?
As a small boy with the aims of bringing development into Toto, these are few challenges I think we are facing now.
1. Lack of insecurity
2. Lack of youth empowerment,
3. Lack of scholarship
4. Employment 5. Lack of higher institution,
6. Lack of good infastructures and
7. Lack of social amminities.
Before you overcome all these challeges and achieve your aims and objective sir, you have to know which people you are going to work with E.g selection of your S.L.A’s, people who you will give contracts, people who will oversee your affairs in the town or to deliver massege to people, sir if Ian recall vividly, in selecting your P.A’s, there is a little challenge you people face, critics from every angle, a complain of I did this and that during your campaign from the people that support you during your struggle, this shows they did it just because of their personal interests not for the interest of developing Toto local government.
Sir do away with those kind of people and work with those that are atfer developing Toto or Taking Toto local government to the next level.
*Lack of insecurity in toto*: Sir, Toto local government is tuning to something else, we cannot longer move from one place to another, we cannot sleep in our houses any more because of kidnappers and the government are watching us. I want you to use the power of your office to bring this to an end, collaborate with the state government , vigilentee group to fight for us sir.

*Lack of scholarship to the student*: we all know , that students of nowadays find it very difficult to go to school because of financial problems, the dont have moneybfor registration, talkless of feeding themself in school, thats why our brothers and sisters schooling outside the state engage them self in stealing in school or engageing themselve in protitution just to have something to feed or yo buy handout while there parent send them to go and study to be something in future, we are calling on you sir (Hon: Ari and Hon: Principal) to join hand together and give our students scholarship in order to assist and moltivate them in there academic just like the way Barr: Labaran Magaji the matawalle of Toto did.
*Lack of youth empowerment*: As i said ealier sir, morethan thousand of toto youth are university graduate, NCE holder, Diploma holders, but dont have somthing doing, empower them with skill accusations, give them work to do, organise workshop, train them in handwork such as welder, valganiser, designing, tailoring, satelite instalation e.t.c, This will help them to have something in hand not to depend on government work. I know people of Toto are good in hand work but the major challenge is finance, Help us out and we will be proud of you people tomorrow. This will reduce the rate of unemployment in Toto local government and Nasarawa state atlarge.
*Lack of higher institutiin*: I dont know if our representative dont know we need higher institutiin in toto, if we can go through the local government that are well develop, we will all witness that, the presence of higher institutionin the area also contributed to thier development E.g Lafia, Keffi, Akwanga, Nasarawa Etc.
We want our representative to look into this and also think about it, we really need higher institution in toto, lets count the number of our students studying in both FCE, POLY, and Universities. Please Hon: Ari and Hon: Usman Labaran, we want higher institution in Toto town, if you can join hands together and provide us with higher institutionbin Toto, you have solve 40% – 60% of problem in Toto.

*Lack of Good infastructure*: Many are dying, Houses are collapsing, Maleria every angle, WHY? Because of lack of good road, no water dranage, Erosion every angle, lets look at the road that Hon: Mukthar Okpanaki did during his region 2008, The road from Alh. Audu transformer down to anguwan bai proceed to kofa, all demages and condemn, because of lack of water dranage, the water that suppose to flow through the water dranage, it will follow the road and that will weak the road, for morethan two decade, the erosion OKPOBUWA at old market, is eating morethan our expectation. Dont we have people that ca stop the erosion?
In the next 5-10 years coming, i bet youif nothing was done to the erosion, any house in that area will collapse, and many people in that area will be homeless, please sir, collaborate with the poeple to know how to solve that problem.
*Lack of social Amminities*: Although HON: SAIDU GALADIMA SHAFA former member nasarawa state house of asembly try his best by providing us woth water to some area, assisting some people individually. But our main problem is this aspect is electricity which is Paramount aspect of developmen, as of 2018 during campaign Hon: Wadada, Governotorial aspirant under the flat form of APC donate the sum of N1,000,000 and some aspirant donate the sum of N5,000,000 to make it N6,000,000 but uptil now no standard electricity in Toto, we dont know weather the contract was giving and executed or the gave out the contract but nothing is done about that sir, we want you people to collaborate with good people of Toto Development Association (TODA), to investigate about this and also do something about it, if there is constant electricity, everything will become easier and cheaper to the people of that community..
Before i drop my pen, i will like to give thanks and honour to former representative both state and federal level, Hon: Alh. Arch: Ibrahim Ja,afar member representing Nasarawa/Toto federal constituency and Hon: Saidu Galadima Shafa member Nasarawa state house of Assembly representing Toto/Gadabuke constituency.
Today mark the last day in office but to me is the begining of your Success insha Allah. Destiny can only be delay but cannot be stop, no one can stop destiny.. Remember sir, no permanent friend and permanent enemies in politics, Hon: Arch. Ibrahim Ja’afar embrace Hon: Ari because is your brother from another family, advice him when the need arise, show him the way if he is moving out of the way. Likewise Hon: Galadima Shafa hold your brother, lets bygone should be bygone, that how Allah want it and remember Allah always choose the best for us, May Allah guide us and also join our head together and do the best to our people.
I will like to extend my regard to men of integrity, who contributed *Socially*, *Morally*, *Academically* to the development of Toto and the progress of Good people of Toto, APC and Nasarawa state atlarge.
Alh. yahaya Osada, (The emiratus of students affairs),
Alh. Sani Abdullahi Oseze, (the wambai Toto),
Barr. Alh Labaran Magaji, (the matawallen toto),
Hon: Balarabe (Speaker NSHA),
Alh Salihu (White House), Comr: Abdulmalik (FCT APC chairman),
My Chairman of the Chairmen, Prince of our time, Hon: Comr: Prince Nuhu Dauda (Executive Chairman Toto Local Government) Thanks…
Written by:
Ziyaulhaq Abdulazeez (first class)
Former NUESA president A.B.U Zaria,