The celebration of Eid is symbolic within the Islamic religion. The Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) ordered everyone to go pray the Eid prayer and he consistently prayed it.
The importance of this day and the prayer is apparent. The following is a list of preferred actions before, during and after Eid prayer.
Desirable actions to be done on the Day of Eid:
1. Eating before the Eid prayer, as the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) did, symbolizing the breaking of his fast. It is haram to fast the day of Eid.
2. Bathing and wearing one’s best attire before going to the Eid prayer. The Prophet (Sallah allahu alieh wasalam) had a special garment that he wore for the performance of the Jummah and Eid prayers.
3. Walking to the masjid rather than riding (if the masjid is of walking distance and does not burden or create a hardship).
4. It is from the sunnah to go back to one’s house walking from a different route than that which was taken to get there.
5. Say takbeer out loud because it is one of the symbols of that day.
6. The takbeer is said on the morning of Eid and worshippers join in on the takbeer uttered by the imam during the khutbah; Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilah Ila Allah, Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wallilahi Elhamd
7. Performing the Eid prayer before the khutbah is from the sunnah.
8. Unlike Jummah, sitting and listening to the Eid khutbah is sunnah, meaning you can leave if you desire to after the prayer.
9. Those in charge should try to make the Eid prayer outside in an open area unless there is a reason barring them from this. It was the consistent pattern of the Prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam to perform all Eid prayers out in the open.
10. Every Muslim should strive to attend the Eid prayer; men, women, and children. Even women who are unable to pray due to their menstrual cycle, are still encouraged to attend the celebration of the Muslims. However, she is not to join in the prayer as was stated by the Prophet (sallah allah alieh wasalam).
11. It is from the sunnah to make tasbeeh during Eid prayer. At the beginning of salat Al-Eid, the leader will say Allahu Akbar at the start of each raka several times. It’s disputed among scholars how many times a leader should make takbeer in each raka. The most authentic opinion on this is 7 takbirat in the first raka and 5 in the second. Since it’s a disputed matter, one should follow the number of takbirat the Imam says, so as not to cause a conflict on such a special day.
12. One should continue to recite the following in between the takbirat: Subhan Allah, Walhamdulillah, Walilaha illa allah, Wallahu Akbar.
13. Straighten your lines in prayer. Make sure to stand shoulder to shoulder and in straight lines facing the Qibla for the Eid prayer.
14. Be quiet during the Khutbah. After the Eid prayer, the Imam will give a brief Khutbah. It is highly encouraged to stay and listen to it. Even if you do have to get up and leave, this should be done as quietly as possible so as not to disturb those who are listening.
15. Greet those whom you know and those you don’t. Say Salam and hug the person next to you once the Khutbah is over. Isn’t it ironic that we stand so physically close to someone in prayer (shoulder to shoulder) but completely ignore them once it’s over? Hug your prayer neighbor and at least wish them Eid Mubarak.