How well a wife can regulate her negative emotions is an accurate predictor of a couple’s marital satisfaction over time
The United States’ army is older than the US itself
Some hospitals keep a supply of beer for alcoholics in case they go through withdrawal, which can be fatal
80% of marriages in history have been between 2nd cousins or closer
The World Record for a Woman who’s had the Most Sex with Different Men in 24Hrs is 919 Men
The word money is derived from the Roman God, Juno Moneta
Christina Applegate attended the 1989 MTV Movie Awards with Brad Pitt, but dumped him at the event & left with someone else
Big muscles are a sign of good genes
Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, was a Sorcerer
Women are attracted to men with good posture
People tend to laugh more at what they say than at what others contribute to a conversation
As of June 17, 2015, there have only been 11 days in 2015 during which no one has been killed by a US police officer
Nazi Germany planned to deport all of Europe’s Jews to Madagascar before settling on the Holocaust
What are the Starbucks names for small, medium and large sizes of coffee?