Male hummingbirds have been seen masturbating with leaves caught in spider webs
Reminding people of their childhood causes them to act kinder
The average man will produce 14 gallons of ejaculate in his lifetime
Angry people produce more unique ideas faster than people in any other type of emotional state
In ~ 5,000,000 yrs, men will be extinct because the Y chromosome is weakening to the point of crumbling
Japan is the safest country in the world
There is a surgical implant being built to give women an orgasm at the touch of a button
Nicki Minaj has only one tattoo—it says “God is always with you” in Chinese
Pakistan heatwave deaths ‘near 700’
Colored pencils break pencil sharpeners becausese they’re wax-based & the wax gets stuck in the gears
A man with a mustache typically touches it 760x a day
Japan has a legend that Jesus didn’t die on the cross, but traded places with someone else & ran from the authorities to live in Japan
Nelson Mandela co-authored a book with Fidel Castro
Qn 1:
What company is the largest producer of computer software for the PC?
Qn 2:
In the computer world: What does the word “modem” abbreviation mean?