In 2006, The FBI planted an informant pretending to be a radical Muslim in a mosque & the Muslims there reported him to the FBI
87% of Americans now favor marriage between blacks & whites, up from 4% in 1958
Earth is running out of sand
The more a man uses porn, the less happy he is with his relationship
..The more a woman uses porn, the happier a man is with his relationship
Currently in the US, there are 43 black members in the House of Representatives (out of 435 total) & 2 in the Senate (out of 100)
The Roman Empire was only the 28th largest in history—the British Empire was the largest, followed by the Mongol Empire
72% of US—including ½ of those who oppose gay marriage—say they see legal recognition of same-sex marriages as “inevitable”
President Obama has the most followers of any world leader on Twitter but Pope Francis’ Twitter is more influential
In a given month, 80% of couples have experienced a time where one person wanted to have sex & the other didn’t
The name of Portland, Oregon was decided by a coin flip—had it gone the other way, the city would be “Boston”
$200 during the summer of 1790, equals roughly $5,100 in today’s money
Adolf Hitler was claustrophobic
The chemicals in a human body combined are worth ~ €6.25
Today, a woman will have ~450 periods in her lifetime, while prehistoric women had ~160
You take over 23,000 breaths daily
What suspenseful 2006 Tom Hanks movie was titled after one of the greatest thinkers of all time?