The average age that American children start watching hardcore pornography is 11
Of the richest 200 billionaires, only 18 are women, and only 1 of those women are self-made
Steve Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave at the only non-denominational cemetery in Palo Alto
People who post Facebook status updates about their romantic partner are more likely to have low self-esteem
There is no red light 30 feet underwater, so blood appears green
Cows show their emotions through the posture of their ears
Being good at flirting is actually more effective than being gorgeous when it comes to attracting a romantic partner, research has revealed
Japan got so many “Rent-a-Boyfriend” services—40% of their customers are housewives & 50% are repeat customers
During Kim Il-Sung’s reign, people went to prison for letting dust collect on his portrait
The word “fossil” is derived from the Latin word “fossilis” meaning “obtained by digging”
Best Disney movie of the 90’s
A. Lion King
B. Beauty and the Beast
C. Aladdin
D. Toy Story
E. Pocahontas