Papaya is a natural male contraceptive for monkeys
Birds can see the Earth’s magnetic field
There is a 6000 year old tree in South Africa that has a bar inside
In Japan, there is braille on beer cans
The T-shirt was invented in 1904 & for bachelors who couldn’t sew or replace buttons
If the US got rid of guns, 12,000 deaths & 84,300 injuries would be avoided every year
The difference between terror and horror is that terror occurs in anticipation of the horrifying experience, while horror occurs after
If the Internet went down for a day, 196 billion emails, 3 billion Google searches, and 500 million Tweets would have to wait
In the UK, you can never be more than 70 miles away from the sea
In 2014 alone, smokers lit up more than 5.8 trillion cigarettes
The new female Thor comic is outselling the male Thor by 30%
Qn 1:
In picture above
Qn 2:
What is the most commonly used element in computers today?
Qn 3:
What name is given to half of a Byte (4 bits)
Qn 4:
From the 7th century until early in the 20th century, when this title was abolished, what was the title of the spiritual leader of all Islam?