- HILLARY CLINTON (Image Source: RT)
This election is a “choice between a fearful America that is less secure and less engaged in the world, and a strong confident America that leads, to keep our economy growing,” she said.
“I’ve offered clear strategies for how to defeat ISIS, strengthen our alliances, and how to insure Iran never gets a nuclear weapon,” Clinton said.
“He is not just unprepared, he is temperamentally unfit” to hold the office, she said, noting that he can’t be given nuclear codes. “It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin,” she said.
Clinton made caustic comments on Trump’s mental state several times through her speech.
“He believes America is weak, and an embarrassment,” she said. “Those are the words of someone who doesn’t understand America and the world. They’re the world of someone who would lead us in the wrong direction.”
Clinton said she negotiated with Chinese over climate change, talked nuclear weapons with Iran and Russia, and stood up for rights of women and LGBTs around the world.
“I believe in strong alliance, clarity in dealing with our rivals,” she said. “I believe in my heart that America is an exceptional country.”
Clinton said that Moscow and Beijing are deeply envious of our alliances around the world because they have nothing to match them.
She praised president Barack Obama on the deal with Iran, saying that “Donald Trump doesn’t know the first thing about Iran or its nuclear program.”
Now, Donald Trump Fires back via Twitter;