Tibetans say hello by sticking their tongues out at each other
Men who have an older sister are less competitive
The fastest human made object is the Helios 2 space probe launched in 1976 & it travels at 43 miles a second
86% of people surveyed in Egypt are in favor of the death penalty, for abandoning Islam
$20 & €20 Euros, the most counterfeited US & Euro bills
Saudi Arabia is the only modern state to have been created by jihad, the only one to claim the Quran as its constitution
& only Arab-Muslim country to have escaped European imperialism
* The law requires all citizens be Muslims. No right of freedom of religion
* One of the few countries that have “religious police ” (a.k.a Haia)
* Atheists are legally designated as
When Pocahontas married John Rolfe, there was an uproar in British court because a princess had married a commoner!
..Race wasn’t the issue
The US spends nearly as much on its military as the rest of the world combined
“It’s raining cats and dogs,”
..S. Africans & Namibians say, “It’s raining old women with clubs”
Men think they are much better at math than they really are
“Dictionary”, comes from which Latin word?