Denvar Bathie, 23, received a £20,000 inheritance, from her dad when he passed away. She intended to save up money for her wedding and a mortgage on a property, and wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t be tempted to spend it indiscriminately.
Trusting her mother, Bathie followed her advice.During the course of one year, Collins spent the £20,000 on vacations, hotel bills, shopping trips, visits tohair salons and cinemas, and other fun-filled activities, Daily Mail reports. She reportedly used her daughter’s bank card on 173 occasions.
It was while Collins was on vacation in Egypt that the bank queried her daughter about an unusual amount of withdrawals from her account.
Knowing that it was only her mother who had access to the bank account, Bathie confronted her.
Collins then claimed that she had only borrowed the money and intended to return it.
“I trusted my mother more than anyone else and I believed her every word but the trust disappeared there and then.
I was betrayed and heartbroken. She went behind my back spending my savings which was my future.
I didn’t know if I could trust anyone, after all if my mother could do this what could others do,” said Bathie.
According to the report, “Collins was given a 12 month jail term suspended for two years and was ordered to complete 150 hours unpaid work and was given a three month monitored curfew between 10pm and 7am and pay a £100 victim surcharge.”