Richard Mofe-Damijo
RMD says some of the women who claim to be in love with him won’t last a week if they date.

Richard Mofe-Damijo
Veteran actor, RIchard Mofe Damijo in an Instagram post addressed women who lust over him. According to the 55 year old, he is not perfect like mpst people think. See what he wrote below;
All of you that want to be with me won’t last a week because I am not the perfect husband or father you may think I am.
I forget little details, fart in bed with my wife, get impatient with my kids, have mood swings, squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle, leave wet towels on the bed, yea you may think I’m cool and perfect but Mrs Adejumobi Mofe-Damijo my ONLY wife disagrees and you know what? I agree with her because she is absolutely right and the perfect.
RMD you perceive is a creation of the woman who genuinely loves me and is there on the sidelines cheering me on and keeping me grounded.
My prayer for you today is that you find the man for you and give you the wisdom to mold him into perfection. #RMDSaysSo