Exchange Rate 24/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (24/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 21/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (21/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 20/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (20/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 19/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (19/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 18/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (18/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 17/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (17/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 14/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (14/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…
Exchange Rate 13/10/16: Today’s Naira Rate Against Dollar, Pound and Euro
Today’s (13/10/16) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Euro…