Tag: Others

Daily Proverb

When the blanket is short you sleep with bended legs.

Muhammad A. Aliyu

5 Factors To Consider Before Starting An Office Romance

Office romance isn't like what you see in romantic movies, it's way…

Farouk Mohammed

Amy Winehouse

Amy Jade Winehouse Born September 14, 1983 Died Jul 23, 2011  (age…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

Use your tongue to count your teeth before you speak.

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

Those who master the art of climbing trees with their teeth, are…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

If you look at your child, you will see his questions before…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Show Your Primary School Certificates Before Getting Paid – Aregbesola Demands Workers

Hope of civil servants in Osun State to receive backlog of their…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

If you can bring yourself to eat a person's head, you don't…

Muhammad A. Aliyu