Tag: Others

Daily Proverb

http://goo.gl/iouUJd Warm water never forgets that it was once cold.

Muhammad A. Aliyu


http://goo.gl/YNQUhY Patron, Hennessy, Grey Goose & Jack Daniel’s ..the most referenced alcohol…

Muhammad A. Aliyu


http://goo.gl/YNQUhY Women are more likely to get in a car accident on…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Joel Osteen

Joel Scott Osteen Born Mar 5, 1963 (age 52) *bday* Televangelist pastor,…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo Turns 78

Former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo is 78-years-old today, March 5. Obasanjo was…

Farouk Mohammed


http://goo.gl/YNQUhY 50% of worlds scientists are assigned to military projects Since its…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

http://goo.gl/iouUJd A palm tree climber is not expected to tell everything he…

Muhammad A. Aliyu

Ladies: 6 Ways To Be A Happy Muslim Lady

Along with everything bestowed upon the human race, being a woman is…

Farouk Mohammed