Latest Tech News
Facebook Introduces Instant Articles.
Instant Articles is designed to give a faster and interactive experience for…
Have You Ever Searched For Porn On Google?… Here’s How to Delete it.
On Tuesday, Google gave an option to users for downloading their search…
Checkout ‘Snap Me Up’ The Alarm That Would Never Stop Until You Take A Selfie.
Lots and Lots of apps are being developed in the Google play…
Tutorial On How To Upgrade Or Replace Your PS 4 Hard-drive.
The Playstation 4 comes with a default 500GB hard drive, which…
You Can Now Order Food With Google Search.
A new service by Google will enable you to order food from…
Windows 10 Would Be The Last Version On Desktop- MICROSOFT
Windows 10 is going to be the last major revision of the…
StarTimes Launches 5 New Channels.
Startimes has launched five new channels on it’s platform including iROKOtv’s iROKO…
Jumia’s Tech Bloggers Starts This May.
Jumia has announced a tech sit-down event, ‘Tech Bloggers Round Table’, with…