Hurrah, Twitter has finally lifted the 140 characters limit required for a tweet and increased it to 280 characters. This is happening after 11 years of waiting for this limit to be removed and I can feel the joy in the air right now.
While Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, some users are not attracted to it the way they are attracted to Facebook mainly because of this tweet character limit but this new update will surely go a long way in luring them back again.

Though this change is being rolled out to a small group of users right now and will be available to everyone soon. The 140 character limit is a remnant of the past back when the site had a feature to send tweets over SMS. In order to fit a tweet into the 160 character limit of a single SMS, along with some extra characters, the length of a tweet was limited to 140.
But according to Twitter blog, Asian users in China, Japan and Korea won’t be given this same opportunity as the nature of their characters allow them to express themselves in fewer characters. They can’t even use all the 140 characters talk more of using 280 characters. So they will continue using the 140 character limit.
Recall back in 2015, Twitter lifted the 140 characters limit on direct messages and in 2016, they stopped counting photos and links in tweets as characters. These are ways they are trying to bring a better user experience to the platform.